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Laser Freckle Removal- Laser Treatment for Freckles

Laser Freckle Removal

Laser freckle removal is an excellent treatment for freckles and brown spots on skin. Freckle laser treatment is usually favored by people who want fast results when it comes to getting rid of their freckles. Laser freckle removal, also known as photo facial rejuvenation, or laser skin rejuvenation, is non-invasive. Laser treatments can also be used to remove brown spots, age spots, and uneven pigmentation, resulting from aging process or daily exposure to UV light. Laser freckle removal, is a technique that utilizes laser light to target and fragment abnormal melanin in the skin. Because, freckles or brown spots are so small, laser therapy is the best way of removing these small lesions. The cost of laser freckle removal may vary depending on several factors. Depending on the extent of the freckling and the treatment used, a freckle laser removal cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars.

What is Involved in Having Laser Treatment For Freckles?

Usually, laser treatment involves firstly anaesthetizing the area to be treated with numbing cream. This helps to reduce the discomfort from the laser treatment. You will be given protective goggles to wear to protect your eyes. During laser freckle removal treatment, a laser beam is directed over the affected skin area. The laser beam or intense pulsed light will penetrate into the skin, which is able to selectively target and fragment the freckle. When the laser light contacts the melanin cluster, the light energy transforms into heat, which fragments the abnormal melanin, causing it to break down and disperse throughout the surrounding cells. The remaining skin forms a scab which peels away after a week to 10 days after the laser treatment. A laser session for freckles may take about 45 minutes. There is no down time requirement and there is hardly any pain during the procedure of laser freckle removal. Typically single treatment session will completely remove most freckles.

What are the Advantages of Laser Treatment for Freckles

Following are the top benefits of having laser treatment to get rid of freckles and brown spots.

 1. Laser freckles treatment is almost pain free and helps you get rid of freckles on face with just a few treatment sessions.

2. Freckle removal using laser treatment will only remove the unsightly dark spots on the skin without affecting the other areas of the skin not affect by the spots.

3. The laser also heats the dermis which stimulates new collagen production. In turn, this makes your skin firmer, less wrinkled, and younger looking.

4. Laser removal of freckles or laser skin rejuvenation is a simple and safe procedure with a high success rate and the possibilities of scarring or having other side effects is very low.

5. Additionally, laser freckle removal is a non-invasive procedure that requires no recovery time.

Thus, freckle laser removal can lighten and eliminate freckles safely and effectively. Contact a qualified doctor and ask about laser treatment for removing freckles and brown spots.

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